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A Blog Series: ¿What does Tzeejay Listen To?

The majority of my working time is accompanied by music. Usually long running live electronic sets but I throw other stuff in there as well on the regular. The majority of it plays through Youtube, simply because Apple Music makes my blood boil in anger and Spotify is not an alternative to me for many reasons. Them seeking to completely ruin Podcasts & their stance on tracking and privacy are just the start of it all. I pay for Youtube Premium (yeah I know it’s rich reading this given the last sentence, but there is no alternative to Youtube that is actually being used or has relevant anything on it) since I watch a lot of car related videos at night so being able to enjoy some good music without any ads is the most obvious choice to me, even though I am not crazy about streaming everything all the time. And neither am all in on anything Google owned apart from Youtube.

This series is an attempt to give myself something simple to blog about and get into a habit of throwing things that are a little longer onto my own website and actually use it. So far it had been a little sad on here.
Expect short little posts describing the music I am linking to and why you may like it as well.

Maz Live @ Warung Tour Porto Alegre

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